Hello Friends!
Yesterday dad had a visit with his oncologist. She has ordered a lot of different blood tests and a detailed iron survey on his blood. It's very likely that dad will begin an iron therapy regimen. Dad's energy level hasn't fully gotten back to normal and the iron will help with that.
His doctor has also given him a bronchitis dilator/ inhaler to help open the air ways in his lungs. She believes the tumors in his lungs are potentially choking dad's windpipes. Yikes! She's ordered a PET Scan and a CT Scan for Monday to see how much the tumors in his lungs have grown and to see the growth of all other tumors. If the tumors get bad enough in dad's chest, he will most likely have to do radiation.
She has also given dad an anti-nausea pill specifically for cancer patients and it's really helped with dad being able to keep food in his stomach. He's loving all the food he can eat again without making him sick!
While dad's energy isn't fully back to normal, the medicine he's been given and the inhaler are all helping dad have additional oxygen and it's helped tremendously already. Dad told me that he's starting to feel like his fun loving and crazy self. :)
We ask that you continue to pray for healing, energy, no pain, and wisdom for the doctors in their diagnosis.
God Bless!
You've got it....praying!
"In the morning O Lord, You hear my voice. In the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectations. I lay out the pieces of my life on your altar and watch for fire to descend. Ps. 5:1-3 niv/msg
Praying for fire descend in a mighty way as you continue through this trial! Blessings, Joy
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